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From Russia with Love: Tagua Beads reach Russian Market!

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From Russia with Love: Tagua Beads reach Russian Market!

Hello Dear friends,

First of all please accept my apologies for not writting before, but I was too busy getting everything ready for our Tagua Beads Catalog 2011. Actually it should be seed beads since we also carry coconut beads. It has been quite an adventure, but I will share about this in my next posts.

Today’s tittle is the same as the famous movie of british agent 007 (by the way, I am a big fan of his movies). The reason is that a few months we got contacted by some people from Russia asking for Tagua Beads. After checking in our records we out it was Alexander, who bought beads from us back in Mar 2010. After catching up, we found out she and her partner were doing very nice with their bead shop, that tagua demand was increasing and they needed more stocks. They bought quite a large arsenal of beads, over 80kilos. Very surprising for a 2nd order!

From Russia with Love: Tagua Beads reach Russian Market!

We took advantage of the opportunity and asked Alexander to answer our questions about their experiences with new business, and here is what she shared with us:

How did you learn about Tagua beads? We thought it was interesting for us and started learning more about this material. We especially liked the Tagua color range and forms range.

What did influence your decision to buy tagua beads? Although, ecofriendly quality wins among others.

What is your top 5 or top 10 beads for a jewelry work? Tagua bead, glass beads, pendants, metal beads.

What do you like about tagua beads? Variety of Colors!  EH: I would have to comment, most of the people say same thing.

What did you do with the Tagua beads you bought? Tell us about the design you elaborated. Send photos, videos, website, etc. Our clients are really interested in this maretial and we witness the demand for Tagua grows increasingly.

Would you say that your designs are made respecting the environment? Why? We support sustainability ideas and encourage using ecofriendly materials in beeded jewelery design. More over we share these ideas with our clients and prove that Tagua products are not only ecofriendly but also how very beautiful.

Where do you live? Russia. Moscow.

Tell us how you started beading Our hobby outgrows into business. This is just great!!

How many years do you have beading? Our shop opened in spring 2010.

How many hours a week you devote to this activity? Both our work and hobby is linked to handmade activity.

Do you work professionally designing beaded jewelry? Yes we do. We design/make beaded jewelry for ourselves, our friends and our clients.

What other hobbies do you have? Sleeping. :)

EH: If you would like to share with our readers your designs and artworks pls click here

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