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Survey in the community of Joa | Integrated Management Plan of Palo Santo Part 3

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As we explained in Part 2, the Integral Management Plan has to be socialized with the Joa community. Jipijapa has a 5.2% population in the province of MANABÍ, a figure that shows a large part of the Joa community. Here live families with limited economic resources. They go to the city to buy their food and personal items.

The project is located in the Province of Manabí, in the coordinates described in the technical file with the UGS WGS 1984 17S system, which has an area of 50 hectares in the sector of El Cerrito 10 minutes from the town center of the Commune of Joa of the canton Jipijapa, the altitude is between the 220 and 320 msnm.

Reforestation/location plans

The livelihood of the families living in Joa is the Palo Santo. The Integral Management Plan is about planting 5,000 trees of Palo Santo. This benefits the community and the processing companies of Palo Santo. With the Plan we want to conserve the environment.

The community of Joa must approve the project to continue with the planned. We did a written survey for this. We provide a survey sheet for each family. Through this survey they showed their agreement or disagreement.

16 families were surveyed. Responsible for the survey Environmental Consultant Diomedes Orlando Lucio. Your technical team is also included.

Surveys on Palo Santo

There were 5 questions based on the reforestation of Palo Santo. The person responded by filling in the options: YES, NO, I DONT KNOW. The questions raised were:

1. Do you agree to protect the dry forest?

2. Do you agree with a restoration and reforestation of forest species in the forest?

3. Do you think the Palo Santo wood collection will increase your family's income?

4. Do you agree that the association El Artesan implements the environmental management plan?

5. Do you agree to authorize the association El Artesan to collect the wood of Palo Santo in an ecological way?

The solution is as follows:

survey result-of-surveys on Palo Santo

According to the surveys carried out on sixteen families in the commune of Joá, they agree to implement an Integrated Management Plan since this project seeks to protect and care for the ecosystems as well as to improve the economic income of the local families through the Of the harvesting of palo santo.

The process of restoration until the trees pass from the juvenile stage to adult is between 8 and 10 years that will have about 5 meters and to make the use you have to wait until the tree grow old and die by natural processes this is in the areas Of restored. The other areas where native forest exists will be used annually.

The result of the survey is favorable. The inhabitants are in agreement with the Integrated Management Plan of Palo Santo.

It's necessary to mention the objective of the environmental management plan. Preserve, protect and take advantage of the species Bursela Graveolens (Palo Santo). It's made in an ecologically sustainable way.

We’ve been contacted by customers and friends wanting to take part in this ecological action. The best ways is purchasing products made of naturally dead palo santo bursera graveolens. Nevertheless, many want to donate to support this project. WELCOME!

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