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Toquilla straw hat, the accessory that makes summer incredible

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Surely you are with the energy to leave your house and meet with your acquaintances to spend a pleasant gathering. You should already be planning your destinations this summer, visit the beach or the countryside, get rid of the confinement in the city, and meet new experiences outside your comfort zone. Of course, he wants to have a great time and for this, you must be very comfortable and confident that wherever you go you will be protected from any unforeseen event.

Summer is coming and the heat surrounds the environment with its sun rays, a toquilla straw hat gives you the security of being able to enjoy the outdoors without having the consequences of a sunburn from UV rays. Don't forget to put on your preferred factor 100 sunscreen and the Panama hat you like the most and start living the summer without complications. In addition to being protected, you will enjoy looking fashionable and stylish. Enjoy the freedom to go outdoors.

You must look impeccable and according to the place where you are spending your dream vacation. Combine your style with the fashion accessory, tagua, and shell jewelry, They can be used in many ways. With your bathing suit, with a blouse, dress, top, or a kimono. Tagua Jewelry is attractive because it is handmade by artisans.

You can combine necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. For men, there is also a variety of jewelry, Palo Santo pearl necklaces in colors, or tagua necklaces and bracelets. This way you will achieve the harmony of a warm and very natural style, since you will be using 100% eco-friendly accessories, something that will undoubtedly show you as an environmentally conscious person.

Something you should know is that the toquilla straw hats are versatile, and it is a complement to make your clothing more striking if you are a woman you can combine your hat with flowery dresses, with your bathing suit and pareos, your clothing for an excursion or sailing on a lake.

For men they can combine the straw hat with flowery shirts, plain colored shirts and short bermuda shorts, with your favorite swimsuit, you can also combine it with your clothes for hiking or a night with friends in a bar. If you have children you can use the hat to match them, since it gives a lot of style to whoever wears this hat.

They can also combine your hat with your sunglasses, there are no limitations when it comes to combining your hat, and protection will always go hand in hand, a hat with your sunglasses protects you from heat strokes that can be caused by long-term exposure to the sun's rays, while protecting your eyes from direct radiation, preventing irritation.

All the tips you have read about how to wear your hat this summer are practical and simple, but now you will know how to combine your favorite hat with your swimsuit style. There are many ways to combine your swimsuit with a toquilla straw hat. Everything is in your taste and preferences.

The toquilla straw hat looks great with any outfit. Considered as a symbol of culture and art and at the same time a benchmark in Haute fashion. It is possible to combine it with a swimsuit, whatever the model, from a simple way to the most crazy and daring way.

It's all about how you decide to show off your appearance. This time she wants to share 3 options with different styles of swimsuit, also adding a special detail that lately is often used for beach outfits.

Simple and original

They say less is more; This phrase is coincidentally widely used in the fashion world. Although it seems that the extravagant is back. Sometimes simplicity draws more attention to the contrary of looking overloaded. For example, in this option, I would like to show you a simple way to wear the toquilla straw hat. Surely you have seen this type of swimsuits where the part of the bikini is covered and is up to the waist.

This type of model favors us a lot to women who want to cover those little rolls that are too much. For their part, men can wear a plain-colored t-shirt with their favorite shorts, many times men don't want to show much, so the hat will give that original touch to a simple wardrobe.

With this style for both men and women, you can combine both a short brim straw hat or a wide brim hat. Lately, for women, hats that are very wide brim are very fashionable, giving a more chic and original touch to our appearance.

Naturally sexy

Maybe not all women use this type of swimsuit options. There is a percentage that does and that each time grows easily. As you can see, this option is the classic two-piece swimsuit or bikini.

It is here where we let our body shine, being thus, naturally sexy. For this style consider two types of hats that look super cute. One is the classic toquilla straw hat and the other option is the cowboy-style toquilla straw hat. Either of these two options will give a special touch to your beach outfit.

For their part, the men who want to show more and who wear a tight boxer swimsuit or a turbo or slip swimsuit. You can combine this tiny garment with a Bell hat or a Classic Fedora. These options are sure to bring out your best attributes.

Current retro fashion

Retro fashion is something that for no reason will stop going out of style. At present, garments with these types of styles are still used. And one of these garments is swimwear. By this, I mean one-piece suits or better known as trikinis. These types of swimsuits have taken a retro style in each of the designs. Although there are designs that are usually a little more daring compared to retro fashion.

For this style, the girls can wear any type of toquilla straw hat that you like best. These options include Fedora and Fedora Classic brimmed hats. Another option would be the long brimmed hats in the shape of a bell, this style of straw hat will give a delicate appearance touch. For gentlemen, retro fashion in swimsuits denotes maturity. A short high-waisted shorts is very chic, with an open button-down shirt and your Pavallana hat or Havana hat.

The toquilla straw hats or Panama Hats, is a craft that does not understand age or social classes if you are looking for a little more celebrities, royalty or politicians from around the world have used it for many years for its versatility and protection and security that generates whoever wears this iconic hat, so it is not an excuse for you to use one of these accessories, and do not worry about costs, because there are hats at a very affordable and completely original price, all are hand-knitted and of the same material, what makes the difference in its value is the degree of a hat, this is due to the complexity of its weaving, the smaller and more detailed the weaving of the weave, the higher its value.

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