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The tagua seed, the organic ivory, an element for today's costume jewelery!

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The tagua seed, the organic ivory, an element for today's costume jewelery!

Tagua is the seed of the palm Phytelephas macrocarpa, this palm grows in the humid parts of the Ecuadorian jungle. Each mococha has between 15 and 20 tagua seeds. These seeds when exposed to the sun dry and their texture is hard. When it hardens its appearance is of ivory, but it is an ecological ivory.

It is ecological because it does not exploit nature. In many countries they practice the poaching of elephants, this they do to make jewelry or ornaments for the home. In Ecuador, Panama, Colombia and Peru do not kill animals. In these areas the tagua grows wild.

The ecological is necessary to take care of the environment. I am a very environmentalist, I like the environment. I try to take care of the flora and fauna the more it is within my reach. I do this because every day we are being affected by the changes and the exploitation of the environment.

In Ecuador, Tagua is used to make costume jewelery. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings are made by craftsmen. Once I did this kind of hobby craft. Towards simple and complex necklaces to learn. Later on I liked it and made jewelry to give to those closest to my family.

Personal experience

My taste for costume jewelery was from small, I always liked the necklaces and striking colors bracelets. In my youth I wanted to learn how to make them. It was an apprenticeship for myself. I wanted to make my own costume jewelry.

At first I did not know with what materials to make them. There were many options: plastic, seeds, wood, pearls and others. In that time I started to find something more natural and new. Between so much reading I found "La Tagua". At first it was funny because I did not know if it was wood, stone or what kind of material. Then I discovered that it is a type of vegetable ivory. I learned everything about tagua. Its beginnings, its elaboration process and how artisan costume jewelery is obtained.

Now, I started buying all the materials: piola, jewelry clip, jewelry rings and tagua beads, among them I bought cylinders, spheres, chips, slices and polyhedra. From the smallest to the largest. I wanted to make jewelry of all sizes to be able to combine it with all my clothes.

When I made my first necklace it did not fit like I had seen it in the photo. Well, that's how it starts, something is something. To my fifth necklace I already saw truly valuable results. Then I came up with the idea of ​​making several necklaces for my aunts and cousins.

I made a photo session! Colorful, eye-catching and big collars I made for the photo shoot. I complemented the set with plastic bracelets and earrings that I had. But I also came up with the idea that I could do them.

The next week I bought more material to make the earrings and bracelets. They were divine!

From that moment I started to love tagua jewelery, and I like it more because it is an ecological material, not against nature. We do not kill elephants and that moves me to continue making this costume jewelry.

I love nature, I love environmental things, I love handmade jewelry. More than a hobby is a lifestyle. I desestrezo and relax doing this jewelry. You should do the same. I tell you my experience so that you can take it as a reference. Encourage yourself to get out of your life routine. Try something new.

A substitute for elephant ivory

Tagua is a type of ecological ivory, which is why it makes it more striking. Seeing in South African countries how animals hunt gives me courage. Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda are places where these animals have been most lost. Let us be aware that they are living beings and deserve to live.

Elephants and rhinos are defenseless animals, although their ivory is exotic and striking to make utensils should not kill them.

The existence of the Tagua has changed the thinking of many people, including mine. With this vegetable ivory you can do the same as with elephant ivory. It is tough and durable. It does not rot with moisture and does not have a bad smell.

Using this ivory will decrease the poaching of elephants. It's time to become aware of this and start using tagua.

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