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Don’t know what you’ve got… Canadian friends in Manta and their experience with PaloSanto products

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About two weeks ago something kind of unusual happened in our offices. It was Friday morning and we received the visit of 2 very interesting people from Canada, Dave and Sharon. It was kind of unusual since we are not used to receiving visits from customers as all our sales were made by internet (until that day). As I explained to this couple, we are the internet’s sales engine of small artisans of Ecuador, and our main goal is to share experiences and let people of the world to know about the beauties of our country. Quite a challenge!

I’ve got to be frank, I was quite curious to know how they had found us. Then, the imminent question: How did you learn about us? Sharon, who is very eloquent and passionated with her explanations, answered me that she looked over the internet something like the following sentence: “Natural remedies for mosquitoes bites in Manta, Ecuador”, all of a sudden appeared… wow! This was very cool. Even cooler was the fact they cared enough to come over to our offices and get what they were looking for.

Sharon told me they were here in Manta for vacations, enjoying our city but the mosquitoes were giving them a very hard time. She had so many many mosquitoes bites all over her skin (we are now in winter season, which is our hot and rainy season. Mosquitoes bug if you don’t take precautions). I’ve never seen a skin so attacked before in my life. I was surprised, and I had to asked why she didn’t get a regular repellent at the drug store. She said that she wanted natural products only. Very smart thinking!

I introduced them to PaloSanto products: Essential Oils, Incense (sticks and cones), and the incense burners. I think she didn’t know about the oil, I am not sure. It is not surprising: Even here in Manta and the rest of the Ecuador, most people do not know about all the rich natural medications we have. We have to work even harder to spread the word! Sharing people experiences is the key… I am convinced. We thank to all the people who is making this possible!

Getting back to my story, I explained Dave and Sharon about the differences of the Palo Santo essential oils, 100% pure, 33% and 11%, and some of the benefits of aromatherapy using this natural product. For a quick idea,

The Palo Santo essential oil properties are: Anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, Antidepressant, diaphoretic, Diuretic, Depurative, antirheumatic, Antiseptic, antifungas, depurities, etc.

Palo Santo essential oil 100% pure.- By inhaling steam it is used to lift the mood, remove stress, asthma, flu; as well as for meditation and relaxation. Also it is used for preventions of stomach, liver, lung, breast and skin tumors.

Palo Santo essential oils 33% pure, is an excellent natural insect and natural mosquito repellent. Its application on the skin helps to heal the wounds caused by mosquitoes bites. By applying into your hands and inhaling it, PaloSanto is used to lift the mood, remove stress, asthma, flu.

Palo Santo essential oil 11%, used to give to your whole body the relief of a complete massage.

After taking this Burserea Graveolens Palo Santo 101 lessons they bought 1 bottle of the 33% essential oil, 1o-unit pack of palo santo sticks and waved goodbye. I thought we were not going to hear about them anymore, but I was sooo wrong. Starting that afternoon we were exchanging emails.

All of a sudden she was ordering more oils, palo santo soap, palo santo shampoo, palosanto moisturizing cream, palo santo incense cones and incense burners (unfortunately we couldn’t deliver it since the balsa fly boxes which we pack our products were delayed). Did I mention that we use balsa-fly left overs (recycle) to assembly the boxes to pack palosanto (it was also Sharon’s idea to mention this on the description of our products). She introduced me to another canadian girl who also bought some essential oils. I just received an inquiry from some tourists that are staying in Santa Marianita, a rural beach-city of Manta, and want some palo santo products too. She posted her comments. She spread the word to her neighbours as they did not know about the essential oils (People here in Ecuador think palosanto is only used to scare mosquitoes away by burning big sticks). It was kind of funny how this canadian woman taught locals about a natural product that has been here for centuries! Don’t know what you’ve got…

Meeting people from all over the world, learning from them, is what really makes our work to be so satisfactory

The last time I saw these guys, their wounds caused by the mosquitoes bites were completely healed. They were so happy, and so are we!

I know they had a great time in Manta. They rented this nice place near to the beach, they attended to a party and got to know the candidates to the Ecuador’s-beauty-queen contest, and so many other cool things you can do in Manta. Now they’ve left to continue their trip to another South American city. We know they are enjoying it as the nice people they are. Cheers to you Sharon and Dave! Thanks for everything!

Your friend in Manta,


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  • Palo santo y Jabon
    By: Ivonne vargas On 08/26/2021

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    Replied by: EcuadorianHands On 10/21/2021 Hola aqui puedes ordenar el paquete de $22

    y aqui los jabones

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