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Handmade soap of Glycerin of Palo Santo: Uses and Benefits

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In recent years handmade soaps have become a worldwide trend, nowadays both women and men make use of this product for being free of chemicals and made with herbs, flowers or natural oils, providing excellent benefits for the skin.

Palo Santo glycerin soap has a woody citrus aroma that provides calm and well-being ideal for aromatherapy.

The Palo Santo helps the exfoliation due to the granules of sawdust, helping to eliminate all the impurities of the skin leaving a unique aroma, while the glycerin works as a humectant, so it attracts moisture on the skin helping to have the skin well moisturized, avoiding dryness.

Below we detail the benefits that the handmade Palo Santo glycerin soap from EcuadorianHands offers us:

  • It is suitable for all skin types: being a product with a neutral pH makes it accessible for normal, dry or sensitive skin, using it in our daily hygiene routine.
  • Combat acne: In addition to helping moisturize dry skin and protect sensitive skin, it helps to cleanse oily skin deep, fighting acne and impurities.
  • It helps keep you young, your property of hydration and water retention in the skin makes the aging process slower.
  • Being a totally harmless product, it helps the skin of babies to keep it soft and hydrated, leaving it with an aroma that will last a long time.
  • It contains medicinal properties: Palo Santo has a high amount of limonene that serves as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal. This serves to treat minor injuries and skin rashes that appear on the skin. Provides a gentle natural exfoliation. Contains vitamin E for external nutrition of the skin.

Ways to use palo santo glycerin soap:

  1. Exhile and humérate every day. Most people moisturize our skin, but we do not exfoliate it. We should do both. Palo Santo glycerin soap is ideal for moisturizing, exfoliating and also relaxation. Its moisture is thanks to glycerin, and the exfoliation is due to Palo Santo sawdust granules. You'll be as good as new when you get out of the shower. It rinses easily leaving the skin clean, fresh and conditioned.
  2. Prepare an aromatic bath. At the time of bathing we look for the soap that has the most pleasant aroma and that also lasts in our skin for a long time. Many times we do not get this! With the Palo Santo oil extract that we use in the soap the aroma will last for a long time. The aroma of Palo Santo is woody citrus and therefore we will feel a forest smell.
  3. If you have acne or face fat. Palo Santo's glycerin soap is ideal, wash your face with warm water to open the pores, then use the glycerin soap of palo santo which will help eliminate all kinds of impurities from your face, once you have washed well your face rinses with cold water, you will see how instantly it leaves your face fresher and free of fat.
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  • Pedido de jabones
    By: Evelyn Vera Rodriguez On 06/16/2022

    Buen día xfavor requiero d 4 unidades de jabón d palo santo. Estoy ubicada en Quito Al sur, en solanda. Como podemos hacer?...
    Quedo atenta a su respuesta

    Replied by: EcuadorianHands On 06/20/2022 Hola, POr favor ordena en aqui. Envio gratis


