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Can yoga help with back pain?, Yoga posture Adho Mukha Svanasana

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And with the arrival of Friday, a day expected by all, the yoga posture of the week arrives. Today I want to present the dog's posture down or also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana.

What does Adho Mukha Svanasana mean?

The meaning of this position is the following: "Adhas" which means down, "Mukha" which means face, "Svana" which means dog and "Sana" which means posture. It is a position that brings benefits to our spine in a special way. Stretches, tones and lengthens the spine. The buttocks, the hips, the ischia, are placing the column up and back, consequently there is a strong stretch of the spine and therefore a decompression of all the intervertebral spaces.

How does yoga relieve back pain?

This position is very good for people suffering from back pain, arthrosis or degeneration of the disks of the spine.

It is important to remember that before performing this and any yoga posture, we must have our aroma diffuser ready with the essential oil palo santo. Another good option is to use the incense sticks palo santo. This will help us to a better concentration at the time of performing the posture. Allowing also to perform the posture in a correct way.

To carry out this position we will follow the following steps:

We are going to start from the position of Uttanasana, a position that we have seen in previous classes.

  • We go from the pose of tadasana, standing.
  • We can bring our palms to our chest to start connecting with our body.
  • We must have our toes wide open and rooted.
  • The pubic bone must be elevated, entering the coccyx.
  • We open the chest, relax the shoulders and extend the neck.
  • With the view towards the front looking for a point, through which we begin to breathe. We perform one to two breaths.
  • We begin to move.
  • We carry the arms up or just down, once we are in this position.
  • We try to place the hands as firm as possible.
  • We step back with the left leg and then another step backwards with the right leg.
  • If we get to this point and can not place the heels on the ground, we have two options: Keep your heels up while performing your posture or for greater comfort. We place 2 blocks and place our hands on them. We place the hands giving elevation to the trunk. Getting to settle the heels.
  • In any of these two variants, either heels up or with hands on the heels, it is important that the head and chest enter between the arms.
  • We begin to exert force on the legs, pushing the heel to the floor carrying the ischiums and buttocks above.
  • From the center of the chest forward, a direction of stretching the spine.
  • The hands are firmly set, the chest and head go forward from the ischiums and the hip goes up and back.
  • We breathe what is necessary at least 5 times without stopping extending the column.
  • At the moment we want to get out of the position, we will leave the same way we entered.
  • We inhale looking forward, we go forward and exhale.
  • We inhale once more, we put our palms together and exhale.


After performing the posture we can make an aromatic bath, using the essential oil and palo santo soap. This way we will achieve that our body relax even more and the mind gets rid of all the work stress of the week.

Benefits of posture:

  • Stretches, tones and lengthens the entire spine.
  • It stimulates the mental functions.
  • Improves memory and concentration.
  • Relieves certain types of headaches.
  • It helps regulate the functioning of the pituitary glands and the hypothalamus.
  • Increases blood flow in the circulatory system.
  • Revitalizes skin tone.


  • Avoid performing this position if you have the following conditions:
  • High blood pressure not controlled.
  • A detached retina.
  • Conjunctivitis.

Recent or chronic injury or swelling of the sword, legs, ankles, knees, hips, wrists, arms and shoulders.

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