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Did you know that Palo Santo trees can be reproduced through cuttings?

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Currently, the palosanto trees that are in our nursery located in Santa Marianita, are part of the Palo Santo in vitro micropropagation research, carried out in conjunction with the Technical University of Manabi.

This research consists of the multiplication of PaloSanto trees, that is, from a palo santo tree we will obtain many small trees.

The procedure is the next:

The main thing we need in this case is the plant material, that is, the Palo Santo plants.

Once we have the plants, we move them near our study area, here we are going to establish them in a nursery covered with a mesh that provides optimal conditions for the plant to continue its development.

The plants must be acclimatized and established in their new home, then the extraction of the apical and axillary buds will be carried out.

Once we have extracted the shoots (buds), what we do is take them to the laboratory level and carry out disinfection protocols to avoid any contaminant in the process.

These shoots are washed with sterile water and liquid soap. Later we apply disinfection treatments with chlorine.

After this, what is done is the extraction of the segments of the plant that we are going to use and we establish them in test tubes with culture media.

And so we conclude the establishment phase to then carry out a multiplication phase, a rooting phase until we obtain new seedlings from these plant segments.

All the small trees that we manage to multiply through this research will serve for our future reforestation.

All the little trees that we manage to multiply through this research will serve for our future reforestations, they will be labeled and georeferenced to give them constant monitoring of their growth and development, achieving full traceability. Can you imagine the aroma that they will offer when we distill their oil in 50 years?

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