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Could the palo santo tree really contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint?

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In EcuadorianHands we are always committed to our products being obtained in the most friendly and sustainable way with the environment. Our process of reforestation and constant monitoring of the Palo Santo trees will not only help us answer several questions raised for a long time about the Bursera Graveolens:

Is the Palo Santo really in danger of extinction?

How many years can a Palo Santo tree live?

How many female trees exist for each male tree? (Please keep in mind only the female tree is used to distill oil)?

How old is a Palo Santo tree? etc.

But, it will also help us to reduce our carbon footprint.

Curiously there is not much information, less scientific articles about the tree of palo santo, and it is precisely for this reason that we held meetings with representatives of several universities interested in the project of restoration of dry-tropical forests where Bursera Graveolens grows. Through these meetings, we managed to establish agreements to perform a structural analysis of the forest and work together in the publication of indexed articles.

Could the palo santo tree really contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint 1

One of the interested institutions was the Technical University of Manabí; On July 28, 2019 we met in the community of Joa, (Jipijapa-Manabi) with the PhD. in Engineering and Environmental Sciences Carlos Salas, who is a professor of the Faculty of Agronomic Engineering, and with the agricultural engineer Adrián Murillo, to conduct a survey on the ground in which the Palo Santo trees grow.

We started the tour at 9:30 am to determine the boundaries of the forest and observe the topography of the area and make measurements of diameter, total height and commercial height of a few specimens in order to test the equipment that will be used in the investigation.

With the data, the experts calculated the volume of the wood of Palo Santo tree and other species that make up the forest (ceibo, buttercup tree, acacia, erythrina velutina, etc.) and points were set with GPS to determine elevations and the number of sampling plots.

After this, we met for the second time with the experts to publicize the first results obtained and start planning the research work which was carried out on Friday, August 2, 2019 together with professors from the Faculty of Agronomic Engineering of the Technical University of Manabí.

We established as the first objective a structural analysis of the dry forest (structure, composition and diversity of the species), and then choose as our second objective the recollection of data on the amount of carbon these trees can absorb, including the Palo Santo, taking into account the two main carbon deposits which are the aerial and soil biomass (topics chosen for the publication of scientific articles) and kept marking the points where the plots will be located.

We coordinated the placing of 24 permanent sampling plots that will be the study area within the 50 ha (123.553 ac) of the protected forest. These plots will be of 500m2 ea.

Within the area of ​​each of the plots we will be able to identify how many Palo Santo trees there are and label each tree to control their development. We will only take into account trees that have more than 5cm (1.96 in) in diameter. 

This entire investigative process will last approximately 4 months, and then we will monitor the tagged palosant trees every 6 months.

This is part of the arduous and constant work of a visionary project raised more than 5 years ago, with which we will not only know how this forest would contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint, but we could scientifically prove so many hypotheses that have been formulated around this sacred tree.

We’ve been contacted by customers and friends wanting to take part in this ecological action. The best ways is purchasing products made of naturally dead palo santo bursera graveolens. Nevertheless, many want to donate to support this project. WELCOME!

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