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My Dog Has Stress, How can Essential Oils help you?

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There is a family member that we can not forget. Which deserves our care and attention just like the other members of the household. This member is our mascot; in this case we will talk about the beautiful canine family. Like any other living being on this planet; you can get sick or adopt inappropriate behaviors that can be corrected.

We must be aware that if we have a pet, we are committed to be responsible for your care and education. One of the most common factors that we can find in dogs, it is alterations in your daily behavior. This different behavior can be motivated directly or indirectly. This produces that the family coexistence is altered and becomes complicated. For this we have to know what is the origin or the causes that produce it.

There are certain causes that cause these behaviors, for example:

  • absence of the family,

  • lack of attention,

  • reaction to some stimulus,

  • aggressiveness,

  • nervousness,

  • anxiety

According to experts; In this type of situation one must act in a prudent and calm manner. A problem of canine behavior can be considered inappropriate or unexpected. Several of the dog's behaviors are normal, but by living in a society where very few of us understand your way of acting, this becomes a factor of alteration in behavior.

It is normal for a dog to bark, howl, play, among others. But it becomes annoying for the owner when the canine does it with greater intensity. It's all about not just observing, you also have to interpret each pattern that is presented. It is important that we understand the source of the problem. This shows us that the nature of the intervention processes changes.

One of the methods that is being taken into account, to help in these canine behaviors, is the use of essential oils. This is considered as an interpreter of what the dog wants us to understand.

These essential oils can be used depending on what your pet likes. That is, the dog has to choose which one seems best. This will also help us to control moods such as aggression, anxiety or nervousness.

How do we use essential oil?

The use of essential oils will be through smell, because it is the best way we will achieve a change. We will achieve this through aromatherapy; using the type of essential oil the dog likes. In this case I am sure that the essential oil palo santo is an excellent option to carry out this process.

The effects it causes in the canine will be favorable. It will help them a lot in controlling their emotions. With this help we can improve even our pet's health problems; for the medicinal properties of essential oils. Interestingly these also helps them when dogs often have skin problems. In this case the diluted oil is applied with a base oil.

Remember that we must be very careful with our pets. Dogs also need our attention and care, for the simple fact of making them part of our family.

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