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Japa Mala, spiritual necklace

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The Japa Malas are used since the middle of the first millennium B.C. It's a rosary used by Hindus and Buddhists. Their use is for meditate, recite a mantra or any motivational phrase. It’s also used for spiritual practice known in Sanskrit as Japa.

As to its etymology; Yapa means repeating sentences. Mala is translated as a necklace or wreath. Then a Japa Mala is "a collar to repeat prayers".

Usually it is made of 108 round beads. This number can sometimes vary. They are usually made of wood. Putting them all together form a circle. It ends with an elongated account that represents the Abode of the Gods.

The Malas are used to recite a song, mentally repeat a mantra, or the names of a deity. To achieve an effectiveness must use the correct phrase that corresponds to epigraph. That sentence must accompany the Japa Mala. This is used to improve your concentration in meditation.

There are many religions that use Japa Mala. In Christianity a rosary is used. Its purpose is to recite the 10 Hail Marys. There are a number of groups of 10 to complete the Rosary.

Hinduism is the oldest religion that uses this type of elements. The number of repetitions is different, but the reason is always the same.

The Malas are also seen in other cultures and religions. They are known as prayer beads, rosary beads and worry beads. They are made of different materials. Its properties have specific energetic effects.

Their use depends on the culture. Some Hindu traditions hold that the proper way to use a Japa Mala is with his right hand. The thumb pushes it aside the accounts. The middle finger covers the Mala. The index finger represents ego.

In northeast India there are traditions Shakta. The Japa Mala is placed on the ring finger of the right hand. The accounts are moved by the middle finger with thumb support. The use of the index finger is avoided.

Important Don't confuse this Hindu rosary, with the Christian rosary we all know. The first has 6000 years of history. While the second has only 1500 years.

Phrases that accompany the Japa Mala

It's usually repeated a number of mantras aloud. The phrase used has a high emotional impact because it is typical of the person who chooses. They have special meaning. This makes the Japa Mala in a more powerful tool.

You can think what you want to change in your life. It can be a bad thing you need to transform into good, or something positive to want to improve.

After the election you can imagine how condensed into a few words. It is important that you do well because the interest you put it affects the emotional impact of phrases.

Materials of Japa Mala

There are two main materials to make a Japa Mala: wood and Rudraksha beads.

The wood is widely used because it is traditional. In its beginnings they carved wood, instead of choosing stones as material.

Rudraksha beads are also traditional to make a Japa Mala. This tree was created from the tears of Shiva (Rudra is Shiva and Aksha means tear). These fall when someone was meditating.

There are other materials to make Japa Mala. Currently there various types of beads made of minerals. Some people choose to make their own Japa Mala. These people choose the materials to your liking.

Uses of Japa Mala

The person should be silent in a quiet room. The position that keeps the person is very important for this practice. Close your eyes and breath control.

With the relaxed breathing we focus on our body. Without moving, we drawing attention for its entire length: arms, hands, legs, feet, neck, chest, waist, head and mouth. We explored all necessary areas. Gradually we feel how the body relaxes thanks to this. The incoming air travels to every corner of our body.

It's time to use the Japa Mala. Begin by account or piece of wood that is larger. With each repetition of the mantra should proceed with the next account.

We inhale and with our inner voice utter the mantra. We waited patiently. The echo of the mantra must travel as far as possible. We felt and enjoyed every vibration.

When silence is again full, we repeat the mantra. With each repetition, the echo and impact of the mantra will grow; the pauses between one repetition and another are becoming longer time.

Repeat the mantra until it's echo reaches every corner of the body. We hope to impact all our interior.

Open your eyes slowly and maintain posture. We got up.

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  • Spiritual Mala
    By: Lush Mala Beads On 03/28/2024

    Thank you for sharing this informative post about japa mala! I had very limited knowledge about it before, and your blog provided a comprehensive understanding. I appreciate the effort you put into explaining its significance and benefits.


