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Postura de Yoga de la semana: Utthita Trikonasana

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Utthita Trikonasana or triangle pose is one of the first asanas that newbies learn, its within yoga for beginners and its the continuation of Urdhva Hastasana. Utthita means "extended" or "stretched", trikona "triangle" and asana "posture of".

This position has 5 versions. The simplest position is that of the normal triangle, then its complexity increases, for example the Extended Triangle or Utthita Trikonasana, then there is the Triangle Invested or Parivrtta Trikonasana, and finally the Key of the Triangle Posture or Parivrtta Baddha Trikonasana. The inverted triangle and the posture of the triangle key are advanced level asanas.

Benefits of posture.

The different versions of the triangle posture serve to stretch and strengthen the muscles, especially those that remain in the lower part of the body.

Tones and strengthens the arms by the stretching that is done.

It gives flexibility to the part of the back, that is to say to the hip and the column. In this way it helps to correct scoliosis.

It improves the sensation of balance of your body.

It helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and stress.

Improves breathing.

Regulates the digestive system.

Posture precautions.

Low blood pressure problems, so you have to keep your head in a high position or below.



To perform basic yoga poses it is necessary that you follow the indications step by step, and integrate the posture in your daily practice:

You can perform this position from 50 seconds to 1 minute on each side. You can also accompany this and other asanas with hand-made Ecuadorian products, for example essential oils in a diffuser to make your environment more harmonious and have a pleasant aroma.

In this asana you must perform the complete yogic breathing to form the posture and undo it. You have to use your lungs completely because this type of postures consume too much energy, at the same time concentrate and observe how the lungs work at full capacity.

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