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  • The tagua seed, the organic ivory, an element for today's costume jewelery!
    The tagua seed, the organic ivory, an element for today's costume jewelery!
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    Tagua is the seed of the palm Phytelephas macrocarpa, this palm grows in the humid parts of the Ecuadorian jungle. Each mococha has between 15 and 20 tagua seeds. These seeds when exposed to the sun dry and their texture is hard. When it hardens its appearance is of ivory, but it is an ecological ivory.

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  • Panama Hat, a true ecuadorian icon
    Panama Hat, a true ecuadorian icon
    6665 Views Liked

    The Panama Hat weaving is an ancient knowledge passed from generation to generation. It’s a tradition that continues today bringing entire families. Moreover, it represents a lifestyle that creates a sense of identity and social cohesion reference for both the craftsmen who manufacture the hats and the people of Manabi.

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  • Tagua Beads has reached Greece Market: Beaded Necklace using exotic ivory tagua
    Tagua Beads has reached Greece Market: Beaded Necklace using exotic ivory tagua
    4206 Views Liked

    Introducing tagua beads into the beading community has been a very hard task, very time consuming, it has been such a nice adventure. I’ve got to meet very nice people, customers that have become friends. Such a pleasant experience.

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  • Benefits of using diffusers with essential oils (Palo Santo)
    Benefits of using diffusers with essential oils (Palo Santo)
    10649 Views Liked

    The diffusers are used to aromatize. Thanks to the vaporization, the particles of essential oils are dispersed by our environment. We can use them with the essential oil of our preference.

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  • From Russia with Love: Tagua Beads reach Russian Market!
    From Russia with Love: Tagua Beads reach Russian Market!
    2841 Views Liked

    The reason is that a few months we got contacted by some people from Russia asking for Tagua Beads. After checking in our records we out it was Alexander, who bought beads from us back in Mar 2010.

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  • How to burn PALO SANTO Incense Sticks?
    How to burn PALO SANTO Incense Sticks?
    10538 Views Liked

    Light the palo santo over an open flame. Take hold of one end of the stick and hold the opposite end to a fire, candle, or lighter.

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  • Do you want to exfoliate your body and face? Get it with Palo Santo soaps
    Do you want to exfoliate your body and face? Get it with Palo Santo soaps
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    Do you want to perform a deep cleaning on your skin? Do you want your body free of impurities? Palo Santo soap is good for this. Eliminates dead cells and fat that builds up in the pores.

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  • Meet Sara Maruri, jewelry designer
    Meet Sara Maruri, jewelry designer
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    Hello, on this occasion we would like to introduce you to Sara. She is a friend from Guayaquil, Ecuador, dedicated to making jewelry and jewelry made with beads and beads, which are very beautiful. 

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  • Benefits of aromatherapy with Palo Santo
    Benefits of aromatherapy with Palo Santo
    12185 Views Liked

    Aromatherapy is used to improve physical and mental health. There are many essential oils to do this practice. Palo Santo essential oils are an option for holistic therapy. 

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  • A Look at the History of Bead
    A Look at the History of Bead
    5977 Views Liked

    The word bead comes from the Anglo Saxon words bidden (to pray) and bede (prayer.) Prayer beads are known world-wide, and help the user recite prayers and keep track of the sequence and number of the prayers.

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  • Japa Mala, spiritual necklace
    Japa Mala, spiritual necklace
    1 Comment

    The Malas are used to recite a song, mentally repeat a mantra, or the names of a deity. To achieve an effectiveness must use the correct phrase that corresponds to epigraph.

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  • Japa Malas to meditate
    Japa Malas to meditate
    8305 Views Liked

    A Japa Mala made of Palo Santo has 108 spherical beads; Carries a large bead that goes in the middle and is called "Guru", this basin is the most important because it means "love or spiritual preceptor”. 

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Showing 97 to 108 of 187 (16 Pages)


