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Project Palo Santo Joa 50 Has: Inspection by MAE, for the declaration of protective forest

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On April 11, 2019, biologist Julia Cordero from the MAE wildlife area visited the community of Joa, located in Jipijapa / Manabí, to conduct a complete inspection of the 50 hectares prior to obtaining the Protective forest declaration.

This inspection consisted in making a tour of the entire area. The biologist inspected the land with us as we were explaining each process and activity carried out in the 50 hectares.

It was shown the area where the reforestation of 4000 palo santo trees was carried out, the types of plantations that were carried out were explained (open sky and stain), as well as the origin of the trees that were used for the reforestation.

  • It may interest you: Palo Santo reforestation program | 4000 Palo Santo trees are planted in the community of Joa / Manabi

Recall that the project Palo santo Joa 50-Has is a public, private, community project and that within the parameters of the PMI approved by the (MAE), 15 hectares can be used to cultivate and harvest.

In the month of January, 20 days after the reforestation the comuneros carried out the planting of the corn, in the area where palo santo had been planted to "open sky". The comuneros are fulfilling the agreement that had been established with us and respecting the parameters of the PMI. The maize plantation was done between a tree and the other, with the aim of shading and protecting it the palosanto trees.

The photos you see below are evidence of how the trees have grown, and that having involved the community has been very helpful in caring for and protecting the Palo Santo trees.

We are on a good path, and with firm steps, until now the trees are strong and growing more and more. We are fulfilling our objective in regenerating the dry tropical forests, where the Palo Santo grows, which in the province of Manabí are very abundant.

We are working to make the Palo Santo sustainable. If we want long-term palosanto, it is vital to use the essential oil and / or their derived products (soaps, cosmetics, etc.), which gives our body the holistic medicinal properties that are naturally found in this sacred wood.

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  • Cotitzación
    By: Carlos Arana On 07/05/2020

    Buenos días

    Cual es el precio X mayor litros de Aceite esencial puro palo santo.
    Los jabones.


    Carlos Arana

    Replied by: Jean Carlos Chávez On 07/06/2020 Hola Carlos, Puedes ver el precio de los productos de palo santo al por mayor en el siguiente enlace


