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EcuadorianHands plant more Palo Santo trees

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With great excitement after waiting for so long, I have been able to experience a day of reforestation with the participation of many people, beings who, like me, feel the desire to give a little more for the care of Mother Nature. On this occasion, on the national day of the tree in Ecuador. From early on, we were at the meeting point to be part of the Manta Reverdece activity, organized by the municipality of the Manta canton.

I was a little nervous, it was the first time that I participated in a massive reforestation activity with the team. Normally, our reforestation activities were limited in capacity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But we never stop doing research and touring our forests. And now to see so many people gathered, it is fascinating, you feel huge and beautiful energy.

It was 9:00 a.m., and we started the day, there were more than 500 trees of different species, it is important to mention that, the place where we were going to reforest in a dry forest area, therefore, the species must be by this ecosystem, so as not to create the reinsertion of non-native species that causes the imbalance in this ecosystem.

At first, I did not understand how we were going to organize ourselves, a little quiet and watching stealthily, with my companions we were waiting to know where we would have to plant our little trees. At one point, everything was flowing organically, they did not say where our Palo Santo trees would go. And we got down to work.

Distributed in teams of approximately 15 people, we took our Palo Santo trees to the previously made holes, since, within the reforestation plan, the implementation of drip irrigation was contemplated, which would provide water to the planted trees. This, to follow the process of the growth of the trees and to continue maintaining the beginning of the life of these little trees.

Each of our little trees results from a lot of work, from the collection of the seeds, the drying, then the germination, and their care for three years. Only there are already some little trees strong enough to be transplanted and survive. Something that strikes me a lot about this species is its brave way of surviving, if you can see in the images, many of the small trees do not have leaves. This is not something we should worry about, because the Palo Santo usually has left in the winter season and as summer arrives in Ecuador, it is shedding its green leaves, crazy! But it is normal in many species of dry forests.

During the day, I also collaborated by planting other trees that were part of this reforestation day, with my colleagues we enjoyed laughing and anecdotes from the forest remembering the things that had happened to us. Also, we stopped to talk with other volunteers to exchange experiences, among them, I met Mrs. Carmen Zambrano, a woman of about 60 years old, who amazed me with her courage to keep up with the day, she, of stature low, somewhat wide but very agile, it planted the trees as if it were an art. Well, very carefully she placed the tree in the hole, and carefully covered the roots of the tree with the earth around the tree, then took a little compost and deposited it around the tree, she told me: “Girl, don't forget to place the fertilizer to their saplings so that they will survive and grow big ”.

We chatted, she helped me put compost on some trees, and then she accompanied my partner Jean Carlos to put more compost on other trees so he continued to say goodbye to us and continue with other groups. It was sunny and the heat was present. I still contemplate the strength that some people have to continue helping the planet, which motivates me to reaffirm that I am still on the right path.

At one point I dedicated myself to photograph, I think it is nice to remember the good things we experienced and this occasion was no exception. They know that it is the most beautiful thing, I only knew three people there, are my co-workers, but among so many people, I experienced the warmth and trust of strangers, we could talk, share our knowledge, tell each other stories, I learned that one of The objectives of these reforestation days is to return to the city of Manta, the largest number of trees to populate the city with more green spots to oxygenate the environment and add to the decontamination.

After planting our trees, Adrián, the engineer from the Ecuadorianhands research department, proceeded to take the georeferencing of each point where our Palo Santo trees were planted, constantly monitor them, and observe their growth and how they are developing. It should be emphasized that each tree is important, and deserves to receive the care they need. It is part of our responsibility to watch over them and we will visit them from now on to observe their growth.

We finished the day at 12:00. It was gratifying, they don't know how good it feels to see small trees planted. I imagined that I saw the large and leafy, making a lot of shade, moving to the swaying of the wind. And later, dropping its seeds and regenerating all the territory around it naturally.

The work does not stop here, we will see our trees again and I will tell you how they are. We want to continue studying dry forests, to protect them, to take care of them, this is a job that you are also part of. With the purchase of our products, they help us develop more studies, reforest more trees, and continue participating in initiatives with the same purpose as us. Reforest and regenerate the dry forests of Manabí, the cradle of our sacred tree PALO SANTO.

Thanks to you, because we have made a beautiful team!

We thank all of you for consuming products of sustainable origin and 100% eco-friendly such as Palo Santo powderthe essential oil, among others. And especially the magic bracelets from Palo Santo help finance our research and reforestation program.

Learn more about the new activities that we are carrying out in our reforestation program to continue caring for our dry forests where Palo Santo lives.

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