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We planted 500 PaloSanto trees in Montecristi / Ecuador

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Wanting a green world for future generations is a goal that most people have, For this reason, we are promoting the importance of reforesting and taking care of nature.

On 07 December 2019 we were involved in the activity "Sow a tree with us" in the city of Montecristi, a campaign born from D.B, who donated around 500 trees of Palo Santo that were planted on the slopes of Montecristi hill, by the Palo Santo team, the Boys Scout Cristi group and several of the Montecristi citizens.

The event began with the presentation of D.B, who was symbolically commemorated as Boy Scout Cristi. With tears in his eyes, he took the microphone and revealed that since childhood he had always dreamed of being a boy scout, and now he feels happy to be able to fulfill this dream by realizing one of his passions that is to sow, an activity that he has been doing for about 20 years.

Before heading to the hill, the first tree was planted in the Montecristi central park where the event was held, for people to learn how to plant a Palo Santo tree.

The method that was used during the “Plant a tree with us” campaign was the transplant, which consists of moving trees found in the forest in an overcrowded area and taking them to an area where there is not much vegetation.

The first thing we should do is observe the root of the tree, depending on the root, a hole will be made where it fits completely.

A little water will be placed from the stem to the root,  If the root is covered with newspaper, this paper will be soaked with water, to feed the tree, during the first days of planting.

When placing the water we will proceed to place the tree in the hole and we will plant it, once the tree is sown and it is firm in the ground, with our foot, we will crush the earth to remove the air from the hole since if we leave air what we will do is that the roots rot.

Having clear what is the process of planting a tree of Palo Santo we headed to the hill to plant the 500 trees, although it was very sunny, this did not prevent us from doing the activity. We make sure that every tree of Palo Santo was planted in the right way.

I want to tell you that I was pleased to see how children, teenagers, and adults were excited to plant their Palo Santo tree, and I was very happy to hear the children say that when they were elderly they were going to go to the place where they had planted their tree to see if he was still alive, implying that they are clear that this sacred tree lives for a long time.

Palo Santo trees that are planted today will be used in future generations since this sacred tree has a life cycle of 30 years when this tree dies naturally it must rest for 2 to 4 years in its natural environment, that is when This sacred wood manifests all its healing properties and we can take advantage of them.

The Palo Santo as well as the Ceibos, the Pepito Colorado and all the vegetation of the dry forests do not need much water to live. These species are considered to be of great importance for reducing the carbon footprint. This hypothesis is being corroborated by our research team, we hope to share the results later.

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