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Our Day on World Beach Cleanup Day in Santa Marianita

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On Saturday, September 16th, we had an unforgettable experience in the heart of Santa Marianita, specifically in the area of Punta la Barca. We celebrated World Coastal Cleanup Day, and our community demonstrated their love and commitment to our shores and the environment by coming together for this event.

At EcuadorianHands, we are more than a company; we are a family united by a passion for sustainability and environmental responsibility. We strive to align our values with the ESG management model and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to be active agents of positive change. One way we do this is through our collaboration with the EcoPlayas Project, an effort to bring the community together for beach conservation.

The World Coastal Cleanup Day in Santa Marianita was a powerful manifestation of that unity and commitment. In collaboration with the Manta City municipality and the Parish GAD of Santa Marianita, we organized a coastal cleanup event that drew an astonishing number of local volunteers, regardless of their age. Beyond the amount of trash collected, which totaled 336 pounds, what stood out the most was the alarming amount of plastic we found. This underscores the urgency to reduce our plastic consumption and advocate for more sustainable practices in our daily lives.

What filled us with joy and hope the most was the active and receptive participation of the youth in Santa Marianita. In addition to their dedication to the cleanup, they showed a strong interest in our message of environmental responsibility, embodied in the slogan #LlévateTuBasura. This youth represents the seed of change and the future of our environmental care movement.

However, our involvement didn't stop at just cleaning the beach. We also organized educational and awareness activities for the community. After the cleanup, we provided well-deserved refreshments to the volunteers, followed by educational talks that delved into the importance of caring for our marine environment and the meaning behind #LlévateTuBasura.

The impact of this day was extraordinary, but it also marked the beginning of an ongoing process. The 336 pounds of trash collected not only represented a cleaner beach but also served as a baseline to assess the impact of the educational talks in the Punta la Barca area of Santa Marianita.

The day of action and education did not conclude with the talks. It culminated in the Mariner's Flag Festival, a symbolic event in our community. Here, all attendees, including city officials, rallied behind the message of environmental responsibility. At this moment, our president had the honor of presenting a Good Vibes Bracelet, made of palo santo, to the city's mayor as a symbol of our commitment and gratitude for her support of our cause.

This day in Santa Marianita was a powerful reminder of what we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal. Our community demonstrated its commitment to preserving our marine environment and its willingness to be an active part of the necessary change for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

World Coastal Cleanup Day in Santa Marianita was a celebration of unity and commitment. EcuadorianHands takes pride in being a part of this community and in contributing to environmental conservation through the sale of sustainable products, such as the Palo Santo Good Vibes Bracelet. Every purchase is a step towards a more conscious and sustainable world, aligned with the goals of the United Nations and our ESG management model. Join our mission of #LlévateTuBasura and let's make a difference together! Every action, big or small, counts in this battle for the health of our oceans and the preservation of our beautiful coast. Towards a cleaner and brighter future for Santa Marianita and the world!

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