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Yoga posture of the week: Parivrtta Trikonasana

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Parivrtta Trikonasana or the inverted triangle pose. It is a posture that involves twisting the spine, on the axis of the base of the hips and legs.

Parivrtta meaning "inverted" or "degree" and Trikona meaning "triangle". It is the contraposture of the Utthita Trikonasana and with extensive stretching of the calf and hamstring muscles.

To perform this position, we will follow the steps below:

  • We start by opening the legs.
  • We put the legs with parallel heels and feet in line in the same way as in the Prasarita Padottanasana position.
  • We are going to turn the foot that is going to be left behind, directing the hip and the front foot forward, looking in that direction.
  • As will perform a twisting, must secure the legs by making a force of separation of the legs, to give more stability to the trunk that is going to rotate.
  • We return to the starting position, extending the arms, we secure the feet well.
  • Let's not forget to breathe, this is very important to do before making the move.
  • You have to inhale and exhale consciously and direct the opposite arm of the leg.
  • We began to descend to seek further extension to torsion.
  • We approach the posture by opening the other arm facing up. In case of having cervical problems, look towards the floor.
  • If you do not have enough flexibility, you can use the blocks for yoga. Placing it on one side of the front feet. The size and height will depend on how much they need to get there.

You can also perform the posture as follows:

  • We enter Tadasana, breathing, bringing the left leg back.
  • Taking into account the hip is online, the rooted heels, leg firmly holding the thigh and knee.
  • Once we have stability in the legs, begin to approach the arm to the opposite foot.
  • Finishing the torsion of the trunk and raising the arm.
  • Looking in the upward direction, or downward in such a case there are cervical problems.
  • Before leaving the posture it is advisable to take breath.
  • With these two ways you can perform this position, according to the one you like or the easiest.

Benefits of posture

  • It helps regulate the digestive system.
  • Strengthens and stretches the legs.
  • Massage the internal organs.
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs.
  • Toning the legs.
  • Relieves back pain.
  • Fight constipation.
  • Recommended in ailment such as rheumatism and scoliosis.

Precautions posture

  • If there are problems with the knees you can flex slightly, without exceeding the tip of the foot when it is bent.
  • Do not perform this position if there are ailments such as: diarrhea, low blood pressure, headache, insomnia and migraines.
  • In this position the abdominal organs are compressed with force, if there is discomfort do not hold.
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